Clinicians Guidelines

Healthy teeth, Healthy gums, Healthy life

Eledent Aligners Patient Guidelines

With Eledent Aligners you will be able to spend less time at the orthodontist or dentist’s office as they only need to be maintained every 6 weeks on average. Other teeth straightening options can take much more time.
Computerized treatment planning and CAD CAM based execution of treatment provides precision to the treatment & minimal bone resorption.
Straight teeth are better for your gums and dental health. Eliminating crowding and gaps makes it easier to care for your teeth, better dental health leads to better overall health
Aligners are clear, thin, plastic-like trays, making them virtually invisible and allowing an individual to achieve a straight smile. Aligners are designed to minimize the appearance of the appliance to better fit any lifestyle.
The result speak for themselves and Eledent aligners leads to beautifully straight teeth and a wonderful smile. Possibly the best reason to use aligners!
Food restrictions are one of the worst parts about teeth straightening with many orthodontic options. Some of your favorite foods are off limits.
Make beautiful websites
Clinical expertise
Precise Fabrication
Long-lasting aligners
Sophisticated treatment planning
A passion for designing perfect smiles

For The Doctor

Get Essentials today and start building next-generation websites.

Regeneration of patient occlusion without any digital data manipulation, eliminating any potential inaccuracy of appliance fit.

With our batch aligner shipment products where treatment can be modified in between batches during the course of treatment.

Compared to other aligners available in the market, which makes it more transparent, and a hygienic choice.

From the time a case is received to the time aligners are shipped back to the doctor.

To the diagnostic setup are allowed in full cases.

Ensured at each step of the process monitored by trained and experienced orthodontists.

Using original patient dentition without any digital error introduced to it.

The entire process is designed to deliver customized aligner that moves each tooth directly along the most efficient way to achieve the desired goal. By optimizing each aligners output, you minimize the number of aligners and intermediate changes required leading to shorter treatment times for patients, and increased capacity for practice. Original gum tissue is used to fabricate aligners, thus providing lesser number of clinical modifications at the time of insertion of aligners.

Particle element

Creating vibrant smiles for healthy lifestyles!

The world always looks brighter from behind a smile.


All teeth clearly impressed without any air bubbles.
No voids, bubbles, thin walls, shifts, double imprints, drags, pulls or tears.
Distal surface of the last molar.
Make sure you have detailed, accurate occlusal surfaces.
Not only the teeth but also the gingival margins are precisely impressed (3-4mm beyond margin) - it helps in defining the long axis of the tooth.
Impression material should be intact, not damaged or thin.
In case of doubt double check by pouring a model in stone/plaster for the quality of impression.

Making of Impression

Combine seamlessly fitting layouts, customize everything.

The importance of a good impression cannot be understated in aligner orthodontics.
Precise impressions will reduce positioning errors and hence improve treatment end result.
Good impressions will have a crucial effect on the fit and accuracy of the aligner.
Sending impressions is much more durable during transport as there is no fear of breakage of models or teeth.

Recommendation: We hence recommend the following procedure from various aspects of precision and clinical handling to maximize your comfort during treatment.



Pre-impression scaling.
Silicone based impression materials preferably Addition Silicones.
Take impression with heavy body putty followed by drying.
Take a wash impression with light body material.
Scaling before taking impressions removes plaque - better impressions and reduces the amount of residual spacing at the end of treatment.
Silicone-based impression material, including PVS, VPS, and polyether material is preferred Alginate is not acceptable because it dries out and the material itself can shrink or expands.
Select the correct tray size.
Use heavy body and light body material.
Mix the Heavy body materials according to the instruction.
Apply the space maintainer foil (cling film available for food is good), then shorten it distally with a pair of scissors to tray size.
Dry the teeth with the air syringe to eliminate saliva bubbles.
Check the cut impression for floating parts before air - drying it.
Fit the mixing gun for the light bodied material and fill in the tray with correction material.
Follow manufacturer's instruction for working and setting time.
  • All teeth should be clearly impressed without any air bubbles.
  • No voids, bubbles, thin walls, shifts, double imprints, drags, pulls or tears.
  • Distal surface of the last molar should be properly recorded.
  • Make sure you have detailed, accurate occlusal surfaces.
  • Not only the teeth but also the gingival margins is reliably precisely impressed (3-4mm beyond margin) – it helps in defining the long axis of the tooth.
  • Make sure that the impression material is intact, not damaged or thin.
  • In case of doubt double check by pouring a model in stone / plaster for the quality of impression.
A custom smile, an unmatched experience.


Design better and spend less time without restricting creative freedom.

Insert one side of the TEMPLATE aligner fully into place, place the attachments then insert the opposite side.
Section the Template aligners prior to insertion when there is excessive anterior proclination or excessive crowding.
Cut the aligner in half along the midline or in three sections.
Clear excess by floss, explorer and air rotor.
Particle element


Wear aligners usually 20-22 hours per day for 2 weeks.
Clean aligners prior to each insertion with soft bristle toothbrush using water and toothpaste.
DO NOT use denture CLEANERS to clean aligners or soak them in mouthwash.
Remove your aligners for eating and drinking, except when drinking cold water.
Brush and floss your teeth after each meal or snack prior to re-inserting your aligners.
If the current aligner is lost or broken, recommend the patient to temporarily go back one stage and use the previous aligner while a replacement is being made.
Preserve all of your older aligners in a clean plastic bag, or as instructed by your doctor.
If Aligners are difficult to stay in place , even after a wearing cycle has finished, wear the current aligners for one more week.
Bringing Teeth Together
Brighter smiles make brighter futures

Discover the Eledent Aligner Difference

Eledent Aligners is everything a health-focused clear aligner should be. It’s efficient, well-made, and affordable.

Book an AppointmentHow It Works
A smile you will love An experience you will enjoy. Invisible Comfortable Smile Correction We Deliver the Smile you deserve Any Age any correction Invisible Solution

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    Clinical Procedure

    Select the correct tray size.
    Mix the Heavy body materials according to the instruction.
    Apply the space maintainer foil (cling film available for food is good), then shorten it distally with a pair of scissors to tray size.
    Check the cut impression for floating parts before air - drying it.
    Fit the mixing gun for the light bodied material and fill in the tray with correction material.
    Follow manufacturer's instruction for working and setting time.